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Arts After School Program Summary


      Arts for Peace creates peace on our streets by providing a safe and nurturing after-school program for intermediate youth in grades 4-6 to grow and explore the arts with professional artists.  Through the arts, students build character, confidence and creative thinking necessary to be peacemakers in an urban community which has known too much violence.  The arts also provide a healthy outlet for expressing powerful emotions which may be the result of trauma.  


      9 key goals include:

  • foster positive relationships with children, and families; (do students feel like they belong, how supportive do they perceive program staff to be, and how much fun do they think the experience is?)

  • provide committed and experienced arts leadership; 

  • provide opportunities for youth input/choice/voice; 

  • communicating high expectations; 

  • provide hands on skill building opportunities led by professional artists; (did students agree they spent most of the time in class making art?)

  • ensure physical and emotional safety; 

  • foster community partnerships and engagement 

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